Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Autumn...the beginning of my FAVORITE time of the year. The weather cools down (everywhere except California apparently) and sweaters and scarves and boots are publicly acceptable again. Cooking, baking, and crafts are abundant at the end of the year too! Unfortunately, it's been WAY to hot to bake anything. With fall quickly approaching I couldn't help myself. I went into storage and took out the few autumnal items I have and began the pilgrimage to the craft store to continue building my seasonal arsenal. Since I haven't lived in my own place for very long, it's taking some time to accumulate enough stuff to decorate. This year, I'm going to build my collection when the season ends by purchasing the clearanced fall items.

Blah, blah, blah you're thinking. Where are the crafts, the desserts, the savory, delectable dinners? They are coming! For now I have a few crafts that I've started working on.

Remember the burlap Christmas wreath? It has been updated throughout the year, but I did remember to take a few pictures for the Autumn wreath update. All I did was replace the winter picks with fall picks. I cut apart some of them so I could artistically arrange them around the form. The update was about $4. Not too shabby for a whole new look... AND I LOVE IT!

I have another wreath project in the works, but I'll save that for another blog since I only have the wreath form completed. :/

Aside from the wreath I have also updated my dining room table. Originally the stems I purchased were supposed to make up two vases worth of arrangements, buuuuut it ended up as one.

I suppose that is all for now. I'm browsing my recipes to see if there is anything I'm going to try for dinner. Stay tuned for another update. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the gorgeous wreath, but also wanted to say - your door is adorable! Or, you know... a-door-able? ;) I now want a pretty blue door!
