Friday, January 20, 2012

The beginning...

I suppose I should begin by explaining my reasoning for beginning a blog. While drinking my delicious cup of hot tea and contemplating the possible consumption of a fudgesicle, I was reflecting upon various conversations I've had with friends lately: conversations about being married, life's exciting events, as well as the hardships that are being anticipated, cooking, cleaning, trying new things, and much more. These conversations have prompted me to show how an average girl like me can rival the likes of the Martha Stewart types.

I am blessed with two parents who encourage me to try everything. Naively, I assumed the parents of most of my friends encouraged the same behavior. I was wrong. Whenever I think, "there is NO way I will be able to do that" or "I can't do that; I've never done it before", I hear my dad's voice in the back of my mind remind me... What's the worst that could happen? or If you mess up, buy another bag of flour (piece of wood, different paint color, etc.). As a child I was able to try so many new things. I particularly remember building or helping my dad with house repairs. He wanted me to measure the space for the new board, measure the new board, mark it, and help him cut it. Immediately I gave him a million and one reasons why I couldn't accomplish the task. What if I measure wrong? What if I mark the board in the wrong place? We don't have another piece of wood. Instead of doing it himself, he replied with, "So what? If you measure wrong, we'll re-mark it. If it's cut too long, we'll trim it. If it's too short, we'll go buy another piece of wood." Moments like these have shaped me into the independent, diy woman I am today. 

Now that I have a little background out of the way, I can continue. After posting pictures of things I've made online, and receiving lovely responses from friends (That's pinterest worthy, what's the recipe, that looks delicious!), I've decided to compile my creations in one area. Whether or not I stick to writing and posting them is another story. Here are my disclaimers: 1. Not everything tastes as good as it looks. 2. Some things taste better than they look. 3. I don't come up with my own recipes, but I do add/modify/leave out some ingredients. I will give credit for where I got the recipe if it has an "owner". 4. This is about trying new things. If I mess up, I'll post the pictures anyways. 

For now I bid you farewell.